Check back frequently- we'll soon be opening registration for several Summer Virtual Camps:
Wearable Technology: Integrating microelectronics with function, self-expression, fashion(?), and certainly creativity. Learn engineering and programming skills, and about careers where creative clothing and accessories change the way people think. This camp is designed for grades 6-9.
July 13-16, 10am to 12 noon and 2pm to 3pm (with mid-day offline flex time)
July 13-16, 10am to 12 noon and 2pm to 3pm (with mid-day offline flex time)
Technology for Good plus IoT: Learn engineering and programming skills and about careers in which microelectronics and the Internet of Things (IoT) are used to solve problems and make life better. This camp is designed for grades 6-9. July 27-30, 10am to 12 noon and 2pm to 3pm (with mid-day offline flex time).
Urban Ag and Environmental Sustainability plus IoT: This camp is for high school students interested in smarter ways to grow food and to monitor and protect the environment the engineering and programming skills. You'll learn about how sustainability is becoming a part of all areas of work and academic areas. This camp is designed for grades 9-12. July 27-30, 10am to 12 noon and 2pm to 3pm (mid-day offline flex time).
Academic Year Saturday Camps and Events
We hope to hear soon about how current events will affect our very popular Saturday Camps and Events:
Women's Cyberjutsu Society, Cyberjutsu Girls; Monthly meetings on 2nd Saturdays with a broad range of experiences with professional women in Cyber security, Computer Science and Engineering skills and creativity. Girls in grades 5-10.
Boolean Girls: Monthly meetings on 4th Saturdays with programming and engineering experiences for all levels of experience. Girls in grades 4-8.
NoVa Labs FIRST Robotics: This is a Winter event with fun-level competition co-hosted by NoVa Labs and the Thinkabit Lab.
Northern Virginia Center Maker Festival: Normally held just before Election Day, this event features hands-on STEM activities for all age ranges.
Girls' Technovation Mobile App Design Competition: This event is in May 2021 and serves as the finals for regional Technovation participation in a competitive forum for girls in two divisions - grades 6-8 and 9-12.
Sliding Doors STEM and Dyslexia Center (SD2): SD2 provides highly engaging STEM content throughout the year and hosts annual programs in our Lab for students and educators.
Sliding Doors STEM and Dyslexia Center (SD2): SD2 provides highly engaging STEM content throughout the year and hosts annual programs in our Lab for students and educators.