Deep Learning: Promise and Pitfalls - John Kaufhold to speak at Northern Virginia Technology TITANS Event
November 2, 2017
Hear how deep learning is taking AI to the next level on Jan. 31, 2018.
Join NVTC, In-Q-Tel and your technology business colleagues on January 31, 2018 for a Titans event on the promises and pitfalls of deep learning, featuring Melvin Greer, chief data officer at Intel, and John Kaufhold, CEO of Deep Learning Analytics.Panelists will discuss how deep learning is harnessing massive datasets and advances in computing hardware and algorithms to solve today's complicated challenges in defense, healthcare, infrastructure, the environment, and more.
Some of the cutting-edge innovations being powered by deep learning today include autonomous vehicles, precision medicine, and facial and speech recognition. The discussion will be moderated by Ravi Pappu, Chief Architect of In-Q-Tel.
The Ritz-Carlton,
Tysons Corner
1700 Tysons Blvd.
McLean, VA